
Let's play a game! -- What's missing??

I know it has been forever (or 2 weeks) since I moved into my apartment, but I finally got around to taking some pictures for you all to see! Between laziness, and having no place to store anything in my room, I had to wait until I had the time/energy to clean it and show you all. But here it is! Finally!

So let's play a game!
It's called, "Guess What's Missing!"
The game is easy. You look at these pictures, and tell me if you notice anything missing. Because I definitely didn't notice it until I moved in. Ok, go!

This is my apartment from the outside. Bad picture, but you get the idea.

This is the living room. I like that pop art picture hanging on the wall!

This is the other part of the living room -- the TV, which I haven't yet figured out how to work.

The kitchen.

The other side of the kitchen -- and the washing machine.

This is where we hang our clothes ... and if we drop them, lose them forever.

The hallway -- this apartment is pretty huge.

The bathroom. Hint: Look closely!

My room. There is pretty much nowhere to store things, so ignore the piles of books and such. Also, I decided to go "random" on the picture wall beside my bed, but the OCD in me is having a hard time with it. The random pattern is ok, I just feel like the pictures aren't straight. I'll probably be tweaking this arrangement for a while. haha

And this isn't in my apartment. It's just a picture from the little park across the street. I love it down there! I go there to read and journal. Well, I might not be going quite as often anymore, after seeing the police question a group of guys, and being invited to sit with a random creeper on a bench. Man, creepers have to ruin everything!

But anyway, back to the task at hand! Did you notice it?? What is missing? Answer to be revealed in the next post!


  1. a shower curtain!! You are going to FREEZE!! haha I'm so sorry I've been MIA lately. Skype this week? yes please!!

  2. falta la ducha! and the typical Spanish bidet!
    Do you have companer@s de casa o vives sola?

  3. Yessss. It's the shower curtain! (And bidet, but trust me, I don't need that. lol)
    Rachel, I know I'm going to freeze! I am already dreading winter!
    And Ellen, I live with 3 other people. This piso would be like a mansion if I lived here alone! lol
