
Currently Reading...

And that's pretty much all that I've been doing lately. Just reading. Since I found myself without private English classes to give last week (and indefinitely), I seem to have much more time for myself. It's not like my lessons occupied that much time, but when I think about my schedule now, it's pretty much wide open.

Though I would definitely consider myself a reader, I don't usually read all that quickly. One year, I read 25 books in a year, and I thought that was good. This year I'm going for 30. I have already read three books in January. I'm halfway through the fourth. And right now, I have three books checked out from the library (Two in English, on my kindle, and one in Spanish, from the public library here). In three weeks, I have to return them all, which means I don't have time to stop the reading trend any time soon.

I figure that now is as good a time as ever to tell you just how much I love my Kindle. (And no, Amazon didn't put me up to this.) My mom bought me a Kindle for Christmas last year, and it has pretty much been my favorite ever since. I used to think that e-readers were just a trend, that they would never last, and that books had so much more character (no pun intended), especially used books. But books are also heavy, and they take up a lot of space in a suitcase, and they aren't always widely available in English when I want them. The beauty of the kindle, for me, is that in less than a minute, I can have almost any book I'd like to read in English (except for any of the Harry Potter books, clearly). Usually they are reasonably priced, too. And the best part is, I can still take the books home with me when I leave. In fact, I can carry them all around with me, every day, and never have to think twice about it.

So, naturally, my new favorite discovery is that I can check out books from the library to read on my Kindle. Impressive. But even more impressive is that I can borrow books from my library at home from another continent. Maybe I can't keep all of the notes and underlinings that I make in the book after I return it, but the beauty of not having to pay for every single book I download totally outweighs any inconvenience. I'd like to kiss whoever thought of this.

So... have you read anything good lately?


  1. Good for you Rach! I wish I could read one book a year Hahaha. They need to come out with more twilights and I would gladly read books!!

    1. Krystal, you should read the Hunger Games series... they are the next Twilight, only better.. haha. The movie is coming out in March. The book is soo good, and you'll read it really fast!

  2. Awesome for reading lots! I like your goal. As an auxiliar, I'm curious, why decided to stop giving private classes? I plan to start giving classes for the first time but had hesitated because I love the amount of free time I have with our short work schedule. When else in life will I have such a short work week, you know???
