

I recently began re-reading a lot of the drafts on my blog. You know, all those posts that I wrote, or started to write, but never finished and never published. Some of the them are amusing, so I'm going to work on publishing a few. Here's a gem. It's the moment I realized that my time in Sevilla was changing me, for better or worse. In the grand scheme of things, this moment is rather trivial and insignificant. But nevertheless, the anecdote makes me smile. :)
Original post from February.
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If you know me, you probably also know that I'm normally pretty reserved. I am not the type to go around sassing strangers on the street. But today, I did just that. It may seem like nothing, (and really it was nothing), but because it's so out of character for me, it was surprising and possibly noteworthy. And, I don't know... maybe I was a little bit proud of myself, too.

You see, I was on my way to a friend's house for brunch, loaded down with bottles of juice. I decided that taking a bicycle would be easier than walking. I rented the bike and headed down the main street, not a care in the world. On this particular road though, there is no bike path, just sidewalk. The path runs along the river, down a ramp and parallel to the road.

After getting the bike, I was trying to make my way down to the aforementioned ramp. At one point, on my way down the sidewalk, I came across a couple walking hand-in-hand, Red Rover style, taking up the entire sidewalk, as it's customarily Spanish to do. So I gave my bell a little ding. The woman turns around, and says, in a rather sassy tone, "This isn't a bike lane!" To which I turned around quickly and replied, with just as much sass,"Thanks, I already know!" And I rode away. Ha!

I know it's not that exciting. The exchange wasn't full of insults or swear words, and no punches were thrown. But I was rather surprised with myself. Normally I wouldn't have responded at all. But this time, it was as if the words came out without thinking. More impressive is that the exchange was in Spanish. Spanish sass without thinking. How's that for fluency?