
I would not be upset if you mailed these things to me...

Yep. I am posting this at the risk of sounding tacky. And yes, I feel like a child writing home from summer camp. But it has been way too long since I've received any mail, (I'm beginning to question whether somebody is intercepting it... or if you all have forgotten about me...) and just to elbow you in the right direction, I figured I'd share with you my latest cravings and necessities. But mostly cravings. You can do whatever you want with this information. ;)

Letters. Cute stationary preferred, but not required.

Girl Scout Cookies. Most notably Tagalongs or Samoas.

Macaroni and Cheese. The only antidote for the blue box blues.

 Tootsie Rolls. Why? I have no idea. 

Caramel Creams. Because sometimes you need a "grandma" treat.

Secret Flawless Invisible Solid -- Totally Fresh scent. Supplies are running low!

Don't have my address? Why didn't you say so! Ask my mom ... or send me an email! I will gladly share it with trustworthy individuals. :)

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