
A monumental achievement (that's been way overdue)

You probably know by now that I'm an avid reader. But only in English. Today is a big day for me though. Today I finished my first non-required Spanish novel.

It's not that I haven't tried to read in Spanish before... it's just that I never finish reading anything that I start. I have a tendency to choose childish books thinking they will be easier to understand. After a few chapters, I usually realize that I just don't care about the story, and give up. My other cardinal sin, I think, is that I always try to underline all of the words I don't know. I'm kind of a perfectionist when it comes to language. I want to know what EVERYTHING means, and I don't want to make mistakes. But anybody can tell you that to learn a language, you have to make mistakes, and you can't be afraid to do so.

Granted this novel was a short one, but I read it in 2 days. (Ok, so at least I was impressed by my pace.) The book wasn't earth-shatteringly good or anything, but it was enjoyable. I didn't have any problem understanding the writing, or the story, and I didn't underline any words (it was a library book, after all). I mean, of course there were words I didn't know before, but I picked most of them up from the context. And the ones that I didn't, well... me da igual.

The story was a little strange... it wasn't what I was expecting, at least. But the title, Todo Lo Que Podríamos Haber Sido Tú y Yo Si No Fuéramos Tú y Yo, (or, Everything That You and I Could Have Been if We Weren't You and I) was too good to pass up. I loved the title -- it's humorous, it's complicated, it's long, it uses the conditional. The book only slightly reflects that -- it's humorous, but it's rather short and simple, and yes, it makes frequent use of the conditional and subjunctive tenses (and we all know I need the practice with these!).

I'm happy to have finally read a book in Spanish. Now if only I could find another one that holds my interest.
Any of you Spanish speakers have a recommendation?

Also, though it's seemingly unrelated, for some reason, I took a liking to this quote:
"Nunca se sabe qué encontrará uno tras una puerta. Quizá en eso consiste la vida: en girar pomos."
Roughly translated to: "You never know what one will find behind a door. Perhaps this is what life consists of: in turning doorknobs."

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! I'm working on the same, but found myself starting a second book before finishing the first. I'll get back to it though!
