
The Case of the Missing Shower Curtain

So you guessed it! You noticed what I missed. (Though, I'm pretty sure you didn't all notice it, and not right away either. You had to look closely, didn't you?)

I can honestly say that a shower curtain did not make the list of my apartment-hunting "must-haves". Why would I have ever thought to look so closely at a shower curtain? Don't they come standard in every apartment? And it's not just the curtain that is missing... there isn't a bar to hang one. Look at the picture again, there doesn't even appear to be a place to hang a bar. (Trust me, I've thought about it...) What a predicament!

I think I'm in for a long winter.

I've got to take those showers where you have to turn the water on, then off, then shampoo, then on, then off, then conditioner, then body wash, then on, then off again. (At least I've got a system going now!) I always thought showers were supposed to be relaxing! Right now, it takes the water a minute to heat up, and the outside temperatures have recently been in the 80s. I can only imagine what's going to happen when it's FREEZING outside!

I can't decide if it's ok to ask the landlord to put in a shower curtain. I mean, it seems like such a necessity, right? ...I am just really bad at asking for things.

If I suddenly go AWOL some time around December or January, you can probably safely assume that I've frozen to death. It's been nice knowing you all!

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