

If you have been following my blog for any significant amount of time (or any other expat blog for that matter), you may have figured out by now that it's not always fun and games. Living abroad comes with it's challenging days every now and then.

This is one of them.

For no real reason, I feel like crap today.
I have a sneaking suspicion that my jet-lag never actually went away. I have been exhausted during the days, and wide-awake at night. Most days I've had to give in to a siesta... and not just a baby, 20 minute siesta... I mean a legit 1-2 hours. Today, it was pushing 4! That's not good!

I can't really decide why I feel crappy, but I just feel like I don't have friends yet, I don't have lessons yet, (and consequently, I don't have money yet), I don't have a routine yet-- Heck, I don't even have my final schedule for school yet. It's a little hard to feel settled when so much of my life is still in limbo.

Is it so bad that today, I just wish I were in the company of people that I already know and love? I don't want to have to go through the awkwardness right now. I just want to be in good company and not have to work for it.

Here's to hoping for a good day tomorrow!


  1. Kind of in the same boat, especially in the friends dept. Things will fall into place, and then we'll be living the life everyone at home is jealous we're living! I hope you feel better.

    Un Abrazo,

  2. Rachael don't worry, things will get better soon! I often dream of living a life you talk about in Spain where everything is not so rushed all the time! Where are your friends from last year?! Either way, I know you will make friends fast.

  3. Totally, completely, 100% NORMAL and okay to feel that way. Transitions are tough. You won't feel like this forever. You are at home, in Spain, everything else will come.
    Plus this happens to those of us living on este lado del charco tambien.
